Drinking lemon water really relieves constipation the fastest

I rarely get constipated, but my sister does quite often. And here is what my sister applied with quite good results so I share with you.

Constipation is caused by eating too little and not having enough waste to pass. The next day, this waste dries out and becomes hard. Once the waste dries out, it is difficult to pass through the anus.

So how to treat constipation? Currently, there is an effective method to treat constipation, which is colonic enemas. However, this is only a temporary solution, and regular application is not beneficial. The important thing is that if the cause is not changed, constipation will still recur.

Relieve constipation as follows: - Eat sour foods and drinks, by drinking lots of orange juice, lemon juice, mixed with sugar and a little salt, the sour taste will help decompose, the salty taste will help prevent dehydration.

Prevent constipation by:

- Eating more sugar, more fat, eating more bananas will help reduce constipation quickly or foods with mucus such as okra, aloe vera, sweet potato leaves, ... to lubricate the colon and increase stool bulk to help prevent constipation.

- Drink celery juice to clean the colon.

- Drinking a lot of water, water also helps prevent constipation effectively.


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