Diabetes can be cured with natural remedies without medication. If you use medicine you will not be able to eat comfortably, even you have to use medicine for life.
If you are taking diabetes medication, you must abstain from sugar and starch. However, we know that sugar and starch are the energy of the brain. So if you abstain from sugar and starch for a long time, what problems will happen to the brain?
Diabetes is usually divided into 2 types: type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes.
Diabetes (Type 1) is caused by the body temperature dropping to = 36 < 35 < 34 degrees Celsius, this temperature indicates that the body is lacking fat to warm. When the body has a low temperature, the brain does not need a cooling substance, so sugar will be eliminated and sugar will flow out in the urine, so there is sugar in the urine (ants will crawl into the urine). This case is called type 1 diabetes.
Symptoms of type 1 diabetes: frequent urination, frequent urination at night, blurred vision, weight loss and feeling weak.
Type 1 diabetes is caused by a lack of insulin in the pancreas. (Insulin leads protein and fat into the bone marrow system to produce new cells).
Solution for type 1 diabetes
- Eat more protein and fat with mild spices in the evening such as: onions, garlic, pepper, ginger, lemongrass (spicy taste to nourish pancreas)... to increase body temperature.
- Do not abuse antibiotics (antibiotics have a very bitter taste), only use bitter foods and drinks until 4pm. Avoid sour and bitter foods in the evening. Sour and bitter are very strong cooling agents, which will lower body temperature.
When there is enough heat, frequent urination will stop, no more nocturia, and urine without sugar means type 1 diabetes has been cured.
High blood sugar (Type 2) : Body temperature is 36.5 > 37 > 37.5 degrees, when measuring blood sugar, blood sugar is high, but there is absolutely no sugar in urine. This is called type 2 diabetes.
High blood sugar: these people have high blood fat levels, causing brain cells to heat up, so the liver is forced to release stored sugar to cool down, so the blood sugar level is high. This type of high blood sugar is an urgent need to cool down the brain. However, if the stored sugar is depleted and sugar is not replenished in time, it will lead to a stroke. Type 2 diabetes that is taken - insulin itself will poison the brain system and will certainly cause other complications.
Signs of type 2 diabetes: normal healthy body, no weight loss, good night sleep, almost no nocturia.
Solution for type 2 diabetes
- Need to eat enough sweets to have enough substances to cool down the body. However, when adding sweets, pay attention to balance sugar with fat. Balancing sugar with fat does not fear diabetes.
- If you don't dare to use sugar to cool down, you can use bitterness, do the following:
+ Drink plenty of water every day, you can drink 2-3-4-5 liters a day, drink little by little, do not drink a lot at once. It may take a long time to make the urine become light yellow. When the urine is light yellow, your illness will be improved.
+ Using bitter drinks. Type 2 diabetes is caused by the pancreas having too much insulin. Excess insulin, we can balance insulin (spicy taste) with bile (bitter taste). Bitter taste can lower insulin, so adding bitter taste must balance with spicy taste. If bitter taste is stronger than spicy taste, it will destroy insulin, causing the pancreas to not have enough insulin. Thus, lack of insulin will cause type 1 diabetes which is also very difficult to treat.